Overcoming the Pain of the Past
It is the human experience to face pain, hurts, and discomforts. Often, the pain that we cause ourselves can be the most difficult to overcome. However, there is evidence all around for new beginnings as mirrored through nature. To witness hope in our own lives, we have to accept what was. And as seasons change, so do the opportunities for slow regeneration.
Here are 3 mindset shifts you can try on when you feel gripped by the past.
The present moment offers hope. The past can only have a hold on you if you continue repeating it. Seek actions that develop the new. By embracing the present moment, these new experiences produce gratitude. The choice to live differently from a day, an hour, or a second ago can lead to peace.
Reframe your thoughts to what is true. Shame, guilt, and feelings of unworthiness are distractions from inner healing. Take the spiraling thoughts and offer them up to a different mode of being. Focus on what you know to be true. It's a miracle that you exist -- right now, in this time. Your presence makes a worthy difference to those around you. You're doing your best with what you know and have now. Don't let lies hold you back from fully living.
Community helps. It can be easy to anxiously retreat away from community during painful times. It's impossible to connect while isolated. Perhaps that's what you feel you want or need but, true growth can only be obtained inside relationship. Community can help establish a sense of restoration and belonging. Peaceful work, joyful play, and kind or helpful words are all necessary for human thriving.
As the seasons change we can look to the past for momentary reflection but, don't linger for too long and miss the new moments in front of you. Use these mindset shifts for hope and healing.
With Love,